200 sentences that let the other person see distressed

200 sentences that let the other person see distressed

1. The tragedy of one person is not about losing another person, but that after that person left, he suddenly found out that he had nothing.
2. Stand in your own corner and pretend to be a passerby!
3. To wait for you, I missed the person waiting for me.
4. I thought that as long as I like it seriously, I can impress someone, but after that, I only impress myself.
5. I am getting colder and colder, just to forget the you who fell in love with when I was young.
6. I found that I am not so noble, and I cannot bless you happiness, I just want to give you happiness with my own hands.
7. In this chaotic secular world, it is also a realm to learn to treat everything around with a normal heart.
8. We are all separated in the wind of the years. When we look back, we can't see the traces of being together before, even though we have been together so hard.
9. Some people look down on it when they see clearly.
10. Not every youth has a earth-shattering ending, and not every story ends with a happy smile or heartbroken tears.
11. You splashed ink on the incomplete corner of the wall, so you played out a summer without ups and downs.
12. All departures are signs. Your doubts are true. He has never let you down.
13. It has been a long time, and it has to wait until there is no way to retreat, only to know that the things we have personally abandoned will never be met again in later days.
14. Do not contact, because your coldness told me to disturb you; do not take the initiative, because you can not move you at all. Although I have ten thousand reasons for wanting to see you, I lack one identity to see you. Just live your life, just live quietly in my heart. Don't disturb, it's the last way I love you.
15. The best way to avoid disappointment is not to place hope on anyone or anything. Anticipation is the root of all heartache, and if the heart is not moved, there is no pain.
16. If one day, you start to regret giving up on me, please remember that I never wanted to teach you how to cherish by leaving.
17. No matter how long the road is, you can walk it step by step; no matter how short it is, you cannot reach it without taking your feet. Please don't be discouraged if you are still clenching your teeth. Your accumulation will sooner or later be beyond the reach of others.
18. I thought that as long as you smile every day, you can lose sight of your troubles. I thought that as long as I closed my eyes, I could not see the whole world. I thought that as long as I covered my ears, I could not hear those upsets. But, after all, it was just what I thought.
19. Some scars, scratched on the hands, become past after healing; some scars, scratched on the heart, even if the scratch is very light, they will stay in the heart; some people, close at hand, but have no chance in their lives.
20. If I can go back to the past, I will choose not to know you. It's not that I regret it, but that I can't face the ending without you.
21. The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death, not the separation of the sky, but that I stand in front of you, but you don't know that I love you.
22. Tears are real, so is sadness, and it is also real to want to live with you for a lifetime.
23. I let go of dignity, personality, and stubbornness, all because I can't let go of you.
24. Everyone will grow up, just to see when those growing ups and downs will come.
25. Don't comfort me when you leave me, know that every time you sew, you will also encounter puncture pain.
26. You once told me that you have a story and I have a drink for the rest of my life. Let me accompany you. But in the end, only me, the story and the spirits are left.
27. In World War II, a little girl who was about to be buried alive said to the German soldiers: "Uncle, please bury me a little bit shallower, or mother will not find me..."
28. I hope you will be lost at night and regret never cherishing me.
29. I dare not test people's hearts, I am afraid that the pain is too clear and hurts too thoroughly.
30. The heart has always been the heart of the audience, but the person is the person in the play.
31. I'm sorry that I still didn't live the way you expected.
32. At the beginning, he can tolerate no matter how self-willed you are, but later, you dare not even have a temper.
33. The most tacit thing we do is that I don't contact you, and you don't contact me. In the end, we are really strange.
34. It turns out that two people who were intimate before will be inferior to passers-by; it turns out that two people who care about and love so much will lose contact completely.
35. Once, I wanted to share all my secrets with you, but now, you have become the secret in my heart.
36. The happiness of a woman lies in: he really loves you; the happiness of a man lies in: she is worthy of your love.
37. There are many things in this world that you can't do. Your good-looking body suddenly became seriously ill. Suddenly people who believed in betrayed you. The friendship for many years suddenly broke down. I was smiling just now and suddenly I cried. , I finally understood love, the person who loved very much suddenly stopped loving.
38. Time will not be disappointed. Don't forget your original intention. From today on, strive to be a lovely person, do not envy anyone or blame anyone, on your own path, appreciate your own scenery, and meet your own happiness.
39. Don't rely on someone lightly, it will become your habit. When separation comes, what you lose is not someone, but your spiritual pillar. Whenever and wherever, you must learn to walk independently, it will make you walk more calmly.
40. Some people say that no matter how cold the heart is, there will be a day when it will be covered with heat; but they forget that no matter how hot the heart is, there will be a day when it is frostbite.
41. The rose is folded, the flower color is full of water, and you are gone, leaving this lonely air filled with.
42. There is no right or wrong, only value and worthless. Love is a kind of encounter. Some people meet at the wrong time and can only pass by and become a regret.
43. When a person speaks with tears on behalf of, it means that he is really wronged; when a person uses silence on behalf of language, it means that he is really hurt; when a person uses leave to represent goodbye, it means that he is really wronged. Let go.
44. Some things I learned to hide, some people I choose to forget.
45. Time is always deserted without knowing it, and we will become even more strange. Intimate is an illusion, not forgetting is an extravagant hope.
46. ​​You are always the hurdle for me.
47. I'm not too sad, but you are really unhappy without you.
48. Those who should go will go, and those who should stay will stay, why should I force it.
49. What are tears: Tears are when you find your love, no matter how hard you work, how pious, how hard you are, but there is nowhere to go, no way back, only to turn into drops and fall into dust.
50. Don't talk about love lightly, the promise made is the debt owed.
51. The origin and the fall, the wine wakes up and dreams after all, but there is no regret, use a switch to get your look back, and I am willing to sink into the mud of love in this life.
52. The heart has passed away, the tears are also dry, and the soul cannot bear to recall. The dream wakes up, but the love can't get rid of the old things like smoke. Both fiction and reality, love and hate, Ye Luo silently harms itself. The only way is to look for and find, cold and remote, sad and miserable; but helpless, the mountains are long and the rivers are long, and this hatred will last forever.
53. Why do I still worry about you so much, even if you are not mine anymore.
54. Please don't pretend to be nice to me, I am stupid and will take it seriously.
55. Once you were a star in the sky; now you are just a broken oil lamp; that oil is my love for you, dear wife, if I don't want to be in the dark, then I will work hard!
56. How many heartfelt words are treated as verbal jokes and no one appreciates.
57. There are so many people lost, but you are the most saddened to leave.
58. My memory evokes many feelings, but in the end they are all related to you.
59. Listening to sad songs, think of people who shouldn't be thinking; watching happy scenes, forget people who shouldn't be forgotten.
60. Love is, I stand behind you, stretch out my hands for fear of mistakes, shrink my hands for fear of missing.
61. My father was seriously ill once and stayed in bed for more than half a month. Then he woke up suddenly in the afternoon. When he woke up, his mouth was always moving. Mom brought his ears close and said to him: "Speak slowly, I Listen." Dad said weakly, "It's time for my daughter to go home from school. Go and make the meal..."
62. She had nightmares again. When she had nightmares before, he was always by her side and said to her: Don't be afraid, I am here. Then she would lie in his arms and continue to sleep peacefully. But this time, there was only an empty dark room. Without his warm embrace, she couldn't sleep at ease anymore.
63. It's okay to catch a cold if the hair can be sober.
64. The previous pledge of eachother is just a talk.
65. Feelings versus feelings, if you are true to me, you will be deep; if you are sincere to true, you will be heavy. I am not stingy when I compare my heart to my heart, I never squander my heart when I change my heart!
66. Don't give all to any one person, because that will hurt more!
67. I can quit drinking and smoking, why can't I quit when I love you?
68. Even if the region is separated by thousands of miles, I still feel that your heart is close at hand.
69. If you love someone too deeply, your heart will get drunk; if you hate someone too long, your heart will break.
70. I have always believed that when you show up, I will know it is you.
71. I am not a strong person, but I know to be strong when I should be strong.
72. You are overwhelmed by what I can't guess, and I am irrelevant that you can't think of.
73. As long as you face the sun, there will be no shadows in front of you.
74. You can ignore my feelings, you can ignore my enthusiasm, or even ignore my frustration and sadness, but everyone's contribution is limited. Do you know how badly I lost when I was serious? I don't want love, and neither do you and me.
75. You are so good, why are you still single? Because there is an impossible person in your heart, and a group of inappropriate people sits beside you.
76. My life can be turned upside down just by being alone. I don't want to contact other people anymore. It's not that I don't believe in love anymore, but I just don't dare to touch feelings anymore.
77. We always shed tears on ourselves and bring happiness to others.
78. Whoever responded to the robbery became the obsession of who.
79. I am still the same as before, living a life that is neither salty nor light.
80. Some people prefer to keep it in their hearts and never want to say it again, for fear of making you suspicious, and for fear of messing with themselves, because it has really gone through a very long and very long process. I finally went from madness to cooling silent.
81. The reason why you feel uncomfortable is probably because you put in a lot of time and energy, but in the end you didn't get what you wanted. That kind of moment filled with loss makes you feel unworthy.
82. I am fine, I am not noisy, do not show off, do not be wronged, do not laugh, and do not need others to know.
83. Those who yearn for the sky are all lonely.
84. Sometimes, for the same thing, we can comfort others, but we cannot convince ourselves.
85. Does my memory live on the other side of the long street, but my annual ring died on this side of the long street.
86. What can shallow and deep represent? Just forget it earlier and forget it later.
87. Quarrel with the one you love, and talk to the stranger.
88. Can't find the original appearance, can't see the final ending.
89. Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury. Cruel people choose to hurt others; kind people choose to hurt themselves.
90. Life is rape and rape, if you can't resist, just lie down and enjoy
91. One is a gorgeous short dream, the other is a cruel and long reality.
92. The chaotic city is full of lost people.
93. Maybe sometimes, to avoid, is not afraid of facing something, but waiting for something.
94. Lonely, there is no one in your heart. Loneliness, someone in your heart is not around.
95. But once you meet, you know each other, how about meeting you when you don’t see each other.
96. The rain-drenched air, tired and sad, the fairy tale in my memory has slowly melted.
97. Love is so short, and forgetting is so long.
98. If you hate me, I don't mind at all, I don't live to please you.
99. I want to cry, but I don't know how to cry anymore.
100. I have two hearts, one for pain and one for forgiveness.
101. Even if it is impoverished, it is different than others.
102. Please don't pretend to be nice to me, I am stupid and will take it seriously.
103. I am not arrogant, nor am I just a fool, I am tired of all the dependence.
104. Isn't it more painful if you are more ruthless? It hurts to forget you and love.
105. Have you ever felt sorry for my attachment once?
106. Thank you for giving me time and joy. It turns out that none of us grew up, it turns out that we are all still children. It turned out that I only had a dream during my nap, experienced growth, and experienced many irreparable mistakes.
107. I have forgotten you, but I still remember the input method.
108. Not good enough, but clean, always smiling, but happy. Rarely, occasionally, I will cry and I will get drunk while drinking.
109. Since then, the spring and autumn are irrelevant.
110. If you send an "um", I will continue to reply to you; if I send an "um", I never reply. This is the difference between loving and being loved.
111. The most aggrieved people in this world are those who love the farther and farther, and wait for the greater the rain.
112. Those who want to leave never lack excuses. Those who wish to stay do not need to stay.
113. Once you were willing to do everything I was with you, then you want to be free, then be careful all the way.
114. I was defenseless when you came. I was caught off guard when you left.
115. Reunion on a narrow road in life will not be spared.
116. You should be very lonely, living alone in my heart, without neighbors.
117. There are some pains, how to speak, how to speak, where to speak, when to speak; some secrets, you can't tell, you can't tell, don't have to tell, don't need to tell.
118. To wait for you, I missed the person waiting for me.
119. Listening to sad songs, think of people who should not be thought of; watching happy scenes, forget people who should not be forgotten.
120. Love is, I stand behind you, stretch out my hands for fear of mistakes, shrink my hands for fear of missing.
121. Dad was seriously ill once and stayed in bed for more than half a month. Then he woke up suddenly in the afternoon. When he woke up, his mouth was always moving. Mom brought his ears close and said to him: "Speak slowly, I Listen." Dad said weakly, "It's time for my daughter to go home from school. Go and make the meal..."
122. She had nightmares again. When she had nightmares before, he was always by her side and said to her: Don't be afraid, I am here. Then she would lie in his arms and continue to sleep peacefully. But this time, there was only an empty dark room. Without his warm embrace, she couldn't sleep at ease anymore.
123. It's okay to catch a cold if the hair can be sober.
124. Don't comfort me if you leave me, know that every time you sew, you will also encounter puncture pain.
125. I hope you will be lost at night and regret that you have never cherished me.
126. I dare not test people's hearts. I am afraid that the pain is too clear and the hurt is too thorough.
127. Obviously did nothing, but took all the mistakes.
128. Don't tell others that you are upset today, and don't say anything to others, because it's useless to say it.
129. Is there anyone like me who always think of some people and things every night, and then involuntarily cry. During the day, I continued to be the kid who laughed and laughed, but smiled a little lonely.
130. After graduation at the annual party, he and her happily talked with her, strange faces, familiar stories, that year, then, that time. From copying homework to borrowing erasers, there was occasional little temper, and finally, talking about the little note he wrote to her for the first time. She said with an expression, "Your rubber quality is too bad" "Huh?" "Nian didn't erase those marks."
131. When I went abroad for a year, my mother had already suffered from Alzheimer's when she came back. She was confused and didn't recognize anyone. When I walked to the bed to look at her, she suddenly smiled at me and said, "You are fat."
132. Don't expose the wound to others easily, because others see the excitement, but it is yourself that hurts.
133. There was a child in the community whose mother passed away shortly after he was born, and he was always taken by his grandmother. Once a child said to her grandma: "Can I secretly call you mother?"
134. The most regrettable thing in my life is that the person who pushed me to hell also took me to heaven.
135. Once you were a star in the sky; now you are just a broken oil lamp; that oil is my love for you, dear wife, if I don't want to be in the dark, then I will work hard!
136. How many heartfelt words are treated as verbal jokes and no one appreciates.
137. There are so many people lost, but you are the most saddened to leave.
138. Even time is laughing at me. You shouldn't be too serious about you.
139. Boys treat their wives better after marriage than before. At a party, a friend laughed at him: Why is he so tired after getting married. He smiled and said: Before marriage, many boys wanted to chase her. Many boys would treat her well. I can only catch her if I treat her better. After marriage, there are fewer and fewer boys who are good to her. She is better to keep her from losing.
140. The human heart is not cold all day, and the leaves are not yellow all day. I can be crazy for you, or I can put it aside.
141. What a pitiful group of people, we can’t get the ones we like, don’t cherish the ones we get, the doubts together, the misses we miss, the misses we want to meet, the hatred to meet each other, all our lives It's a pity.
142. You will love me in the minutes, in the hours, on August, in the month.
143. There are so many people lost, but you are the most saddened to leave.
144. My memory evokes many feelings, but in the end they are all related to you.
145. When you are online, I don't know what to say to you. When you are offline, I regret not saying anything to you.
146. In the city under the neon lights, where did my heart fall?
147. You are overwhelmed by what I can't guess, and I am irrelevant that you can't think of.
148. Time has lost its balance, and only yesterday is left in my world.
149. I go online and you go online, then you go invisible, then I go invisible, and then you go online, I get it.
150. I would rather let others think that I am heartless and happy than make myself look wronged and miserable.
151. The most tacit thing we do is that I don't contact you, and you don't contact me. In the end, we are really strange.
152. Who is the traveler in his life, who is the wheel of life, the dust of the past life, the wind of this life, the soul of endless sadness. In the end, no one belongs to anyone.
153. My memory evokes many feelings, but in the end they are all related to you.
154. When you are online, I don't know what to say to you. When you are offline, I regret not saying anything to you.
155. In the city under the neon lights, where did my heart fall?
156. You are overwhelmed by what I can't guess, and I am irrelevant than you can think.
157. If you can still meet on rainy days, can you invite the fairy in the painting to enjoy the full moon and flowers.
158. Memories are water poured in the palm of your hand, no matter you spread it out or hold it tightly, it will flow cleanly through your fingers after all.
159. Standing in your own corner, pretending to be a passerby!
160. What are tears: Tears are when you find your love, no matter how hard you work, how pious, how hard you are, but there is nowhere to go, no way back, only turning into water droplets and falling into dust.
161. Don't talk about love lightly, the promise made is the debt owed.
162. The origin and the fall, the wine wakes up and dreams after all, but I have no regrets. Use a switch to get your look back. In this life, I am willing to sink in the mud of love.
163. The heart has passed away, the tears are also dry, and the soul cannot bear to recall. The dream wakes up, but the love can't get rid of the old things like smoke. Both fiction and reality, love and hate, Ye Luo silently harms itself. The only way is to look for and find, cold and remote, sad and miserable; but helpless, the mountains are long and the rivers are long, and this hatred will last forever.
164. Why do I still worry about you so much, even if you are no longer mine.
165. Please don't pretend to be nice to me, I am stupid and will take it seriously.
166. The most tacit thing we do is that I don't contact you, and you don't contact me. In the end, we are really strange.
167. Who is the traveler in his life, who is the wheel of life, the dust of the past life, the wind of this life, the soul of endless sadness. In the end, no one belongs to anyone.
168. Carrying too much tired, has lost the original pride.
169. So far, I have no plans to give up. My heart decides how long to hold on. I really don’t know how long I can hold on.
170. This city does not have the legend of long grass and flying eagles. It always lives in reality, with fast drumming, hurried figures, numb eyes, false smiles, and I am being assimilated.
171. Time has lost its balance, and only yesterday is left in my world.
172. I go online, then you go online, then you go invisible, then I go invisible, and then you go online, I get it.
173. I would rather let others think that I am heartless than happy, rather than make myself look wronged and miserable
174. I thought that as long as I seriously like it, I can impress someone, but after that, I only impress myself.
175. I am getting colder and colder, just to forget the you who fell in love with when I was young
176. It turns out that two people who were intimate before will be inferior to passers-by; it turns out that two people who care about and love so much will lose contact completely.
177. I live low-key, releasing my vitality.
178. I found out that I am not so noble and cannot bless you happiness. I just want to give you happiness with my own hands.
179. The most heartbroken feeling in the world is not a broken relationship. But when I give my heart to you, you are deceiving me.
180. I am stubborn and unwilling to give in, but what I get is only scarred.
181. When I shed tears, you also shed tears. I think you are less alone than me. When I smile, you are still crying. So you are lonelier than me.
182. It's not that I haven't thought about things that are too long-term, but I am afraid that if I think too much, it will burst like a bubble.
183. Saying so much is just an excuse.
184. If you hate me, I don't mind at all, I don't live to please you.
185. The things we thought of never forgetting were forgotten by us in the process of our never forgetting.
186. Maybe sometimes, avoiding is not afraid of dealing with something, but waiting for something.
187. I also thought that this world was too beautiful.
188. If I didn't meet you, I could have endured those loneliness.
189. You are a rain in my dry age, you come so heartily, I can't afford to get sick.
190. Just let the past follow the wind, and don't look back; don't leave it alone in the future.
191. A cup of respect to you carelessly, a cup of respect to me being affectionate. From now on, you and I will be strangers to the end of the world, and there will be no end.
192. It only takes a moment to fall in love with you, and it takes a lifetime to forget you, and it is not even enough.
193. Did not know each other at first, and finally did not recognize each other. In the story of the passing, you owe me a sentence: treasure.
194. I don't know what else I can love you, but I just don't give up.
195. There are many people who like you, and there is no shortage of me. There are very few people I like, except for you.
196. People are quite stupid, exhausting their strength and suffering for the person they like, and will speak nice things for him.
197. In addition to love, you can only hate, can't bless, can't be friends, can't forget the person, love is for many years.
198. From struggling to retreat to the whole body, if you are not serious, I will no longer take it seriously.
199. The saddest thing is that some important people didn't have a photo with you until they left.
200. We always shed tears on ourselves and bring happiness to others.

 I hope all these positive and life-changing quotes for the day will bring a new change in your life and work. Read one  Sentence or Quote before starting your day and I assure you that you will remain focused. Now that you’re done, please share it with your friends and other peoples who want to motivate...Please Came again..


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