Truth with a little routine

 Truth with a little routine

1. "Do you smoke?" "No" "Then how beautiful you smoke"
2. "You are too bad" "I have been poisoned by you" "Please correct evil to me"
3. "Your smile" "Warm every second of me"
4. I hope that in our future lives, we will all be happy because of each other.
5. We will be together in the next life. If you don't come, I won't be old.
6. "Classmate, can I know you?" "Why?" "I think your future is related to me."
7. "I want you to get out of my heart and hit the wall." "Go on to my bed again."
8. "I seem to have eaten too much salt recently?" "Huh? Then?" "I always miss you when I'm free."
9. You are so cute and blown into my arms by the strong wind, I will not return it.
10. I think I'm so carefree, why? Because I like every aspect of you.
11. "Classmate, can I know you?" "Why?" "I think your future is related to me."
12. "I want you to get out of my heart and hit the wall." "Go to my bed again."
13. Come up with your mouth, and I will say to your mouth, this word has been in your heart, so that you don't have to travel a long way, turn in through your ears.
14. "Little brother online dating, my loliy voice" "Little brother rush, you have penetrated my heart"
15. "I want to pretend to run too fast" "Then I run into you full of arms"
16. "Miss sister, miss sister, has your express arrived?" "What express? Didn't receive it?" "Did you not receive my wishful thinking?"
17. "You are. I am. Do you know why?" "Because I am you besides you."
18. "You must come when I get married." "What do you mean?" "You idiot? What do you think of a bride without a wedding?"
19. I used to talk all over the world with some good things. Now I think it's enough to tell you. You are my world.
20. You are not human, you are the love letter written to me by this world.
21. I seem to have confessed early and want to continue to be nice to you, but I have lost my name.
22. Tell you that I like you, either I hope you give back or I hope that when you are desperate, I will feel that I am not that bad. At least there are still people who like you but can't love you.
23. It's not bad to see it occasionally, because with you, the life that is not long will be shorter.
24. I thought that when I saw you before school started, I wouldn't miss you when I arrived at school.
25. Male: Do you smoke? Woman: No way. Man: Then why are you so beautiful?
26. "I think your family is missing a necessities of life" "What is missing?" "I am missing"
27. "Think of one day more" "We no longer say good night to each other" "Instead of sleeping next to each other"
28. "Have you encountered anything that makes you dumbfounded?" "You can't get you crying, nor can you laugh."
29. "Like you is an addictive thing" "But still can't enjoy it"
30. "Do you know where you are good?" "Which is good?" "It's good to be my girlfriend"
31. "Don't think I only like you" "I will still pet you, love you, and support you"
32. "I heard something very happy today" "I heard. Do you miss me?"
33. "When I am alone, I want to go to many places, but when two people are different, it's different" "Why is it different?" "When two people, I just want to stay where you are"
34. Male: "Do you know the difference between you and a monkey?" Female: "Monkeys have tails and I don't?" Male: "No, monkeys live in caves, and you live in my heart."
35. "Remember your own identity" "What is my identity" "You are my person!"
36. Male: Hey, take your hand. Female: Why!? Male: I want to hold my girlfriend's hand.
37. Male: Can I lie to you? Female:? Male: I don't like you. Male: What's the date today? Female: Yeah! Male: I love you too! Male: Give me a chance? Female: What chance? Male: A chance to be your boyfriend!
38. "Think clearly before you talk to me" "I'm not thinking clearly I'm thinking of you"
39. "Can you imitate a woodpecker for me?" "How to imitate? I can't" "Just treat my face as a tree!"
40. "Can I ask you the way?" "Where?" "In your heart!"
41. Female: It’s raining, what should I do if I don’t have an umbrella? Male: You are in my heart, and the rain can't get you!
42. "I want to live alone in your heart" "No neighbors"
43. "Love or not, give me a one-word answer." "No love" "Naughty, a one-word answer! Come again"
44. Male: "I have so many pens, do you know which one I like best?" Female: "I don't know" Male: "You Beibi"
45. Male: "Will you like me?" Female: "No." Male: "Then I will teach you how to do it."
46. ​​Male: "I did poorly in the exam today" Female: "Why" Male: "Because no matter what problem I encounter, my answer will be you"
47. Male: You are a little weird today. Woman: What's wrong? Male: It's so pretty.
48. Male: Can you see the road when you walk? Woman: I watched it, but I didn't bump into you. Man: But you crashed into my heart.
49. Male: I have endured you for a long time. Woman: What do you want to do? Man: I will bear you forever.
50. Male: Let's go swimming. Female: Why? Male: How can we fall in love without going to the water.
51. You must take care of your mouth! "What's wrong with my mouth?" "Because I will kiss it at any time." "
52. Can you lend me a dime? So as not to even have a dime relationship between us.
53. It doesn't have to be vigorous, nor does the whole world know how much we like each other, as long as you look for me, I will definitely live up to you.
54. "Waiting in your heart unconsciously, waiting for you to bring me in."
55. "I feel so stupid." "Why do you think so?" "Because I can't do anything except like you."
56. Even if you say you are beautiful, but you still look what I like, what should I do?
57. Female: Little brother, little brother, would you like something for you? Man: What? Woman: Stretch out your hand, (after the boy stretches it out, the girl puts her hand on top) I, do you want it! ?
58. Female: "What is loneliness?" Male: "Cool breeze, bright sun, no smile." Female: "Can you be specific?" Male: "Left hug, right hug, no passion." Female: "Can you be more specific? "Male: "No you."
59. Male: I just want to be a kind of person after meeting you. Woman: Who? Man: Your man.
60. "Did you smell anything?" "No." "How come the air is sweet when you come out."
61. "Can you imitate the woodpecker" "How to imitate" "Just use my face as a tree"
62. "Why are you here?" "I want to see you" "Can I call you" "I can't see you on the phone"
63. "I want to tell you how to lose two catties in a week." "Okay, how to lose?" "Let me put your love here."
64. "I have a love here" "What love?" "The kind we made together"
65. "Do you know that there is no happiness at all to meet you." "What?" "I am already very happy to meet you, and what more happiness is needed."
66. "You know, I am relatively unpromising." "..." "I just want to spend your money, sleep in your bed, and be your wife."
67. "The rice is in the pot, and the person is on the bed" "Eat first or eat me first" "You are free"
68. Male: Are you running fast? Female: So fast! Male: Can I chase you?
69. Male: Ask you a question. Do you know what the luckiest door in the world is? Female: Heart door? Male: Wrong, it is us!
70. I think I'm so carefree, why? Because I like every aspect of you.
71. Male: Let's go to dinner, but you have to promise me one thing. Woman: What is it? Man: I booked a couple restaurant. Only couples can enter, so you have to agree to be my girlfriend.
72. Male: "This selfie is really ugly" Female: "Yes." Male: "Not as good as one-tenth of yourself"
73. Male: "Do you know what my shortcomings are?" Female: "You have so many shortcomings, how do I know?" Male: "No, there is one you must know-that is lack of you.
74. "Can I ask you the way" "Where to go" "In your heart"
75. "Cheer up, one cannot hang on one tree!" "You need two trees for your weight."
76. "Do you know what I like to eat?" "What do you like to eat?" "I like to look at you foolishly."
77. "Remember who you are" "What is my identity" "You are my person!"
78. "You look very much like a relative of me" "Who do you look like?" "My mother's son-in-law"
79. "You are so perfect, but there is a shortcoming." "What shortcoming?" "Flaw me"
80. "I still like you very much" "Like your mother hit you, unreasonable"
81. "I think I'm very selfish." "Where is selfish?" "I only like you, and don't give other girls any chance."
82. Male: Let's make a bet, you lose and be my female ticket. Woman: What bet? Man: I am taller than you!
83. Male: Oh, what should I do today? Woman: Confession? Male: Then I can only put the phrase "I like you" until tomorrow.
84. Male: There used to be two people, one told me to love you and the other told you not to love me. The two were fighting. If you didn't love me and ran away, who won. Woman: I love you. Man: I love you too.
85. Male: Can you simulate a woodpecker? Woman: Yes! Man: Come, treat my face as a tree.
86. Male: Hey, show you a beautiful woman? Female: What? Male: Take a mirror and look at her?
87. Male: Do you have a map? Female: What's wrong? Male: I'm lost in your eyes?
88. Male: Why are you hitting me? Woman: When did I hit you? Man: You touched my heart.
89. "Can you tell me who you like?" "Who do you care about, it's not you anyway!" "You will die if you lie to me?" "You cheated, you are not dead!"
90. Male: "What's your birthday?" Female: "Why tell you?" Male: "I forgot my password"
91. Male: "What is the door made of wood?" Female: "Wooden door." Male: "What is the door made of iron?" Female: "Iron door." Male: "What about the door made of happiness?" Female: "Happy Gate." Male: "No, it's us."
92. Male: "Tell you some bad news" Female: "What bad news?" Male: "My thoughts about you are not pure anymore"
93. Male: "I have so many pens, do you know which one I like best?" Female: "I don't know" Male: "You Beibi"
94. Male: "Will you like me?" Female: "No." Male: "Then I will teach you how to do it."
95. "Think clearly before you talk to me" "I'm not thinking clearly I'm thinking of you"
96. "What are you doing these days?" "Always eating." "Why are you so thin after eating all the time." "Waiting for you idiotically.."
97. "Tell you a bad news" "What bad news" "My thoughts about you are not pure anymore"
98. Male: "Shall we exchange gifts together?" Female: "Okay." Male: "Well, from now on, you are mine and I am yours."
99. Can I kiss you" "No" "Then what did I just say to you" "Can I kiss you" "Well, yes"
100. Male: "I did poorly in the exam today" Female: "Why" Male: "Because no matter what problem I encounter, my answer will be you"

I hope all these positive and life-changing quotes for the day will bring a new change in your life and work. Read one  Sentence or Quote before starting your day and I assure you that you will remain focused. Now that you’re done, please share it with your friends and other peoples who want to motivate...Please Came again..


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