100 mottos of life with chicken soup for the soul

 100 mottos of life with chicken soup for the soul

1. We can't, often not because we can't, but because others say we can't.
2. When you see a person without a right hand, you won't complain about which birthmark on your right hand.
3. What makes us feel happy is not the environment, but the attitude.
4. The so-called heroes actually refer to those who can survive no matter what the environment.
5. Laziness is a hiding place for the weak-willed.
6. When the whip is used, the top will spin.
7. Knowledge plays wealth.
8. Someone is looking at the shadow in the light, and some looking at the light in the shadow.
9. Solving the most complicated things often requires the simplest method.
10. Time is like an animal cart, its speed depends on the whip in our hands.
11. Happiness is not because you have more, but because you care less.
12. Time is a constant, but also a variable. There are infinite people who are hardworking, and there are infinite people who are lazy.
13. When there is no retreat, it is the time when the potential is maximized.
14. Thinking determines the way out, tolerance determines height, details determine success or failure, and character determines destiny.
15. There is no bad thing, only bad mood.
16. We always pay attention to whether the things we get are worth money, and often ignore whether the things we give up are a pity.
17. If people's activities are not inspired by ideals, they will become empty and small.
18. Tell you the location of a treasure, it is in your life.
19. Success requires a price, and unsuccess requires a higher price.
20. It is better to fail in the things you like than to succeed in the things you hate.
21. There is no director in life, but each of us is like an actor, performing seriously in order to fit the plot.
22. Regardless of whether there are grains of rice on others' faces, please look in the mirror first.
23. Believe that faith can conquer everything, which in itself is the greatest faith.
24. The long road can be walked step by step, and the short road can not be reached without stepping away.
25. Everyone has potential energy, but it is easy: be covered by habit, be blurred by time, and be consumed by inertia.
26. In a place deeper than night, there must be darker eyes than night.
27. Life is like a big stage, everyone has their own role to play. As for what role to perform, decide for yourself.
28. If you are very smart, why not be rich?
29. Only fools use their feet to test the depth of the river.
30. Showing off needs the audience, and showing off just makes us lose the audience.
31. Theory is one thing, but reality is another.
32. The punishment for laziness is not only your own failure, but also the success of others.
33. Time is the most open and reasonable. It is never given to anyone. The hard-working people can ask time for the bunch of fruits, and the lazy people give them gray hair with empty hands.
34. No matter when you start, the important thing is not to stop after the beginning; no matter when you end, the important thing is not to regret after the end.
35. All victories are insignificant compared to the victory of conquering oneself; all failures are insignificant compared to the failure of losing oneself.
36. As long as you stand up one more time than fall down, it is successful.
37. If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you are not sure of defeating him.
38. If you firmly believe that you are the best, then you are the smartest.
39. Regret is a spirit-consuming emotion. Regret is a greater loss than a loss, a greater mistake than a mistake, so do not regret it.
40. Failure comes from ignoring details, and success starts from paying attention to small things.
41. The warmth of life depends on the temperature of the soul.
42. The saddest thing about people is that they cannot beat themselves.
43. Diligence can make up for the lack of intelligence, but intelligence cannot make up for the flaws of laziness.
44. Arrogant people are saved, but inferior people are not saved.
45. The thorns exist so that the weeds are not easily trampled on.
46. ​​Smart people create more opportunities than they encounter.
47. Only by giving up can you gain.
48. As long as you work hard, you can become what you want to be.
49. Diligence and wisdom are twins, and laziness and stupidity are brothers.
50. You exchange one hundred points of effort and success, and there is nothing that fails.
51. Thousands of people fail because they fail to do things incompletely. They often stop doing things only one step away from success.
52. Faith is an invincible blade.
53. Climb to the highest level, and you will suddenly find that the scenery there is something you are used to.
54. You can go as far as you can see.
55. Change yourself and challenge yourself from now on.
56. Everything has cause and effect.
57. The greatest secret and wealth of life is health and happiness.
58. Feelings like sadness are a waste of short life and are really unnecessary.
59. To remedy a mistake has nothing to do with time, and it is never too late to actively seek a new beginning.
60. Life is like a cafeteria. Choose what you want to eat.
61. True happiness comes from tolerance and help.
62. Understand yourself according to your own meaning, don't underestimate yourself and be led astray by other people's opinions.
63. Without rocks, there would be no beautiful waves; without setbacks, there would be no magnificent life.
64. A lazy boy will be a scruffy old man in the future.
65. The coward raised the difficulty above his head, and the hero stepped on the difficulty under his feet.
66. The so-called lack of time is because it is not used well.
67. Life is a one-way journey. Even if we are a little regretful, we have no chance to start all over again. Instead of struggling with the unchangeable past, we should cherish the future with a smile.
68. If the mind is small, there will be more troubles, large minds, and rich wisdom.
69. Hope is a kind of sweet waiting; missing is a warm mood; friends are the blessings of a lifetime; love is a fate that is insoluble in a lifetime.
70. Dripping water through the stone is not strong, but deep.
71. In good times, be indifferent, and in adversity, be calm.
72. It is not great to conquer the world. A person who can conquer oneself is the greatest person in the world.
73. Hate others, but it is yourself that suffers.
74. The reason why people are ordinary is that they cannot surpass themselves.
75. Sometimes, there is no next time, no chance to come back, no pause to continue. Sometimes, if you miss the present, you will never have a chance.
76. People will not suffer for a lifetime, but they will suffer for a while; many people suffer for a while in order to escape suffering.
77. Don't blame others for letting you down, blame yourself for expecting too much.
78. Some people, some words, it doesn't matter whether they are reasonable or not; because they see clearly, they are underestimated.
79. Everyone's character has certain unacceptable parts, no matter how beautiful people are. So don't demand others, don't blame yourself.
80. Happiness does not require luxury and luxury. Sometimes the more you want, the harder it is to be happy. Little people, little desires, and little satisfaction are great happiness.
81. The heart is simple, the world is simple, and happiness will grow; the heart is free, life is free, and there is happiness everywhere.
82. When you don't understand, don't talk nonsense; when you understand, don't talk too much; when you are upset, talk slowly; when you have nothing, don't talk.
83. Don't be too pretentious. People who are willing to suffer will not be able to suffer. If they suffer a lot, they will always have a big reward; those who love to take advantage will definitely not take advantage. They won a small profit but lost a lot of money.
84. If you cannot find a reason to persist, you must find a reason to start again.
85. Life is like fireworks, it is impossible to hang the sky forever; as long as it has been gorgeous, this life is worthless.
86. Misfortune is like a stone. The weak see it as a stumbling block, and the strong see it as a stepping stone.
87. In life, two things should be done less: use your own mouth to interfere with others' lives; rely on others' brains to think about your own life.
88. Everyone is tired, no one can bear all the sadness and exhaustion for you, so there is always a period of time for people to learn to grow up by themselves.
89. The world left me covered in cuts and bruises, but wings grew out of the wounds.
90. If someone throws a stone at you, don't throw it back. Keep it as the cornerstone of your high-rise building. You hate me, I don't mind, I don't live to please you.
91. Please take good care of your passion and ideals. In this age of doubt, we still need faith.
92. When we remove the stumbling block under the feet of others, perhaps we are paving the way for ourselves.
93. A bitter mouth is a good medicine, but a bad word must be a good word. If you have changed, you will be born with wisdom, and protect the shortcomings of the inferior.
94. Forbearance for a while, calm and calm, take a step back, the sky is broad.
95. Like to do things that others don't want to do.
96. The establishment of the great cause of life is not knowing but being able to do it.
97. Birds living in cages think flying is a kind of disease.
98. Although the world is full of lies, the way you travel will not lie to you.
99. Every now desperate, there is a silly time, all your pain is deserved.
100. Life has its own ups and downs, and everyone should learn to endure their own sadness in life

I hope all these positive and life-changing quotes for the day will bring a new change in your life and work. Read one  Sentence or Quote before starting your day and I assure you that you will remain focused. Now that you’re done, please share it with your friends and other peoples who want to motivate...Please Came again..


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