100 famous aphorisms to encourage yourself

 100 famous aphorisms to encourage yourself

1. People who are worse than you have not given up, and people who are better than you are still working hard, you are even less qualified to say that you are powerless.
2. Face the past with the least regret, the present with the least waste, and the future with the most confidence.
3. The curtain of the life stage may be opened at any time, the key is whether you are willing to perform or choose to avoid.
4. People who can seize the opportunity to walk in front of them will succeed in all likelihood.
5. Life will inevitably experience setbacks. After wind and rain, there will be a rainbow; life will inevitably suffer from hardships, and there will be sunshine after rain.
6. Desire to enhance enthusiasm, perseverance to smooth the mountains.
7. It is mortals who obey the arrangements of fate; those who dominate their own destiny are the strong; those who do not have their own opinions are blind obedience, and those who think twice are wise.
8. Prayer with action can make God understand better than words.
9. Successful people learn experience from others, and failed people only learn experience from themselves.
10. Many days are predestined, that is "fate"; but you can decide how to face it, it is "luck"!
11. Life is beautiful for some people, and these people's lives are all fighting for a certain goal.
12. Action is the ladder of success. The more actions, the higher the climb.
13. Don't ask what others have done for you, but ask what you have done for others.
14. Success is not only in the future, but accumulated from the moment you decide to do it.
15. Your love for a day may bring a lifetime of gratitude to others.
16. The mountain does not depart from the earth, so it can become its height; the sea does not depart from the water, so it can become its depth!
17. It is a kind of optimism and self-confidence to deal with failures and setbacks, and then to regain the strength. This is a kind of courage. To deal with misunderstandings and hatred, to smile off is a kind of calm and tolerant, and then continue to be true, this is a kind of mindfulness.
18. The self defeats the self far more than is defeated by others.
19. Those who dare to declare war on darkness must be filled with light.
20. A lofty ideal is like a flower growing on a mountain. If you want to get it off, hard work can be the rope for climbing.
21. The past depends on forgetting the present, and the future depends on hard work in the present. Now is the most important.
22. If you don't want to do something, you don't want to reach anywhere in the world.
23. When a small thought becomes an action, it can become a habit; thus forming a character, and character determines the success or failure of your life.
24. It's better to retreat and build a net instead of facing Yuanxian fish.
25. No kind of education can match adversity.
26. The long road can be walked step by step, and the short road can not be reached without stepping away.
27. Being hurt can hone your mind, being deceived can increase your knowledge, being abandoned can teach you the ability to stand up, and being criticized can help your wisdom.
28. It is not good to wait for opportunities, but to create opportunities.
29. Life is a song: Emotion is light music, work is symphony, struggle is rock music, entertainment is pop music, brothers and sisters are popular songs, and career is marching.
30. Ordinary steps can also complete a great journey.
31. Don't think about creating the sea, be sure to start with small rivers.
32. As long as the road is right, you are not afraid of the long road.
33. If you expect success, use perseverance as your good friend, experience as your reference, attention as your brother, and expectation as your sentry.
34. Pay attention to your thoughts, it will become your words; pay attention to your words, it will become your actions; pay attention to your actions, it will become your habit; pay attention to your habits, it will become Your character; pay attention to your character, it will become your destiny.
35. Living in the same environment, the boundary between the strong and the weak lies in who can change it.
36. Life is going through countless shortlisted and eliminated competitions. Whether shortlisted or eliminated, there should be a heart to go beyond oneself, challenge oneself, and overcome oneself. And a spirit of being unwilling to fall behind and fighting stubbornly.
37. The lamp of life is lit by enthusiasm, and the boat of life moves forward because of hard work.
38. No matter how outstanding the talents and knowledge are, if there is a lack of enthusiasm, it is no different from drawing bread on paper to satisfy one's hunger.
39. Just as a magnet attracts iron powder around, enthusiasm can also attract people around and change the surrounding situation.
40. Knowledge and courage, courage and knowledge, knowledge and courage promote each other.
41. If the sea does not have a depth of a thousand feet, how can it be like a mountain wave.
42. The rain can not wet the wings of the duck; the strong wind can not blow the light of the fireflies.
43. Don’t get angry, you need to win, you don’t see through, you need to break through, you don’t be jealous, you need to appreciate, you don’t want to prolong, you need to be positive.
44. Those who lose money lose very little, those who lose health a lot, and those who lose courage lose everything.
45. The determination of goals is one of the most necessary sources of strength in the character, and it is also one of the weapons of success. Without it, the genius would be in vain in the confusion of contradictions.
46. ​​Take a risk! The whole life is an adventure. Those who go the farthest are often those who are willing to do it and are willing to take risks. The "safe" ship has never been far from the shore.
47. Habits make life no longer change, giving people an inexplicable sense of security, but also an inexplicable loneliness. And you never know what your habit will make you miss
48. The world is not in the hands of those who ridicule, but in the hands of those who can withstand ridicule and criticism and keep moving forward.
49. It’s not that the vows are too frivolous, but time is too realistic.
50. When you look up in despair, the light of hope has always existed.
51. Tell yourself not to be so old, not to be so persistent and not let go.
52. The most beautiful thing is not the moment of success, but the hardships in the struggle afterwards!
53. Leave the smile to the person who hurt you the most.
54. You have never discovered that behind me, there is another you silently supporting.
55. Looking beautiful is your advantage. Living beautiful is my ability.
56. When you can't tell yourself what you learned today, don't go to sleep.
57. Everything in this world is accomplished by hope. A farmer will not peel off a kernel of corn if he never wants it to grow into seeds; a bachelor will not marry a wife if he never wants to have children; a merchant will not go to work. , If he never hoped to benefit from it.
58. Belief is powerful, doubt can only inhibit ability, and belief is power.
59. Work hard in order to prove yourself to others to the world, and once you really achieve results, you will understand: people don't need to prove anything to others, as long as you can surpass yourself.
60. Even the most hopeless thing, as long as there is a brave person to persist in doing it, there will be hope in the end.
61. People who fear self-suffering are already suffering because of self-fear.
62. On the road to success, persistence is very important. When facing setbacks, tell yourself: Taste the sweetness.
63. Use your smile to change the world, don't let this world change your smile.
64. Anyway, raise your head and smile.
65. Standing on the shoulders of giants is to surpass them.
66. Don't laugh at the iron tree. In order to bloom once, it has worked harder than other tree species.
67. The seed of tenacious vitality never sings a curse song to the barren soil.
68. Your love for a day may bring a lifetime of gratitude to others.
69. The mountain does not quit the earth, so it can become its height; the sea does not quit the water, so it can become its depth!
70. The road is bumpy and unexpected, and the wind is rushing to train the man.
71. Those who lose money lose very little, those who lose health a lot, and those who lose courage lose everything.
72. What is failure? Nothing, just one step closer to success; what is success? It means that all the roads to failure have been traversed, and there is only one road left, and that is the road to success.
73. Adversity is always there, and there is always an attack in life. May you not succumb to the arrangements of fate, be persevering and persevering! To be a strong life forever!
74. Persistence may not necessarily succeed; but without persistence, it is doomed to failure. For success, persistence is essential!
75. There is no secret to success at all. If there are, there are two: The first is to stick to the end and never give up; the second is to look back at the first when you want to give up The secret, stick to the end, never give up.
76. There are still small roads, as long as you keep walking, there are countless scenery.
77. Passion and desire can overcome all difficulties.
78. We are most proud not to never fall, but to get up every time we fall.
79. It is not easy to persist in doing simple things well, and it is extraordinary to persist in doing ordinary things well. The so-called success is to make extraordinary persistence in the ordinary.
80. The waterfall has nothing to fear from the cliff, so it sings a magnificent song of life.
81. Peaks are only really good for those who climb it instead of looking up to it.
82. Doing things right is more important than doing things right.
83. The wise all seek self, and the fool all seek others.
84. Seeds keep in mind Raindrop's dedication instructions and strengthen their courage to take the lead.
85. If there is no ups and downs in nature, the earth will not flourish.
86. Run with happiness, listen attentively, develop with thinking, struggle with hard work, measure with goals, and live with love.
87. When you can't jump from the first floor to the third floor, don't forget to take the stairs. Remember that great success is often not achieved overnight. You must learn to decompose your goals and implement them gradually.
88. Strong beliefs will win strong people and then make them stronger.
89. As long as you work hard, you won't regret anything, everything is possible.

I hope all these positive and life-changing quotes for the day will bring a new change in your life and work. Read one  Sentence or Quote before starting your day and I assure you that you will remain focused. Now that you’re done, please share it with your friends and other peoples who want to motivate...Please Came again..


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