Famous Sayings About Friendship

 Famous Sayings About Friendship

1. Friendship is really the most sacred thing, not only worthy of special admiration but worthy of eternal praise. -(Italian) Bu Jiaqiu
2. Friendship is always the assistant of virtue, not the assistant of evil. ——(Rome) Cicero
3. Wealth is not a friend, but a friend is a wealth. ——Anonymous
4. To study alone without friends is lonely and ignorant. --Confucius
5. Two people are in the same heart, and the profit breaks the gold. ——Yi•Xi Ci
6. Husband is very cold, frost and snowfall, and then know the luxuriant pines and cypresses. ——Huainanzi
7. Heart-to-heart but not face-to-face, remembering each other from now on. ——Tang Bai Juyi
8. Have fun today, don't forget it later. ——Three Kingdoms • Cao Zhi
9. A gentleman will not slander when handing in, and he will not blaspheme when he is handed in. —— Zhouyi
10. A gentleman can make friends with his literary works and help his benevolence with friends. ——The Analects•Yan Yuan
11. Understanding, support, and friendship are more important than anything else. -Mao Zedong
12. People who have no sincere friends are truly lonely. -Bacon
13. Keep a certain distance between friends to make friendship last forever. ——Charles
14. Friends have always been our significant other. -Cicero
15. The lack of true friends is the purest and most pathetic loneliness; the lack of friendship is nothing but a waste. ——Bacon (UK)
16. There are many reasons why people form friendships, some are natural, some contract, some are out of self-interest, and some are out of common interests. --Jay Taylor
17. It is enough to have a confidant in life, and the world should treat it with the same heart. ——Lu Xun
18. The most valuable thing in life is knowing oneself, and we are close to each other. ——Yanni
19. Life is the most precious thing in life, what is needed most in life is learning, the most enjoyable thing in life is work, and the most important thing in life is friendship. —— Stalin
20. The best thing in life is his friendship with others. --Lincoln
21. Human-to-human friendship combines the hearts of most people. Because of this valuable connection, it is gentle and sweet. --Augustine
22. The mountains and rivers are not important, the most important thing is to know what you have already met. ——Bao Rong
23. Young people are happy to know each other and think about old friends in their late days. —— Tang Han Yu
24. Whoever asks for a friend without faults will have no friends!-Proverb
25. Make friends in good times, and test friends in adversity. -Latin proverb
26. The so-called friendship is a heart in two bodies.
27. The so-called friendship is first of all sincerity and criticizing the mistakes of comrades. --Ostrovsky
28. Compromise is not a solid foundation for any friendship. -Tagore
29. Ten thousand taels of gold is easy, and half a confidant is hard to find. ——Anonymous
30. Ten thousand taels of gold are easy to get, but it is hard to find one with a heart. —— Qing Cao Xueqin
31. Only people who alone know the full joy of friendship. Others have their families; and for those who live alone and leave their hometowns, friends are everything. -Willa Kaser
32. Nothing to say is drunk, no longer take a glass of wine. ——Jin Tao Yuanming
33. I don't want to compare our friendship to an iron chain; because the iron chain may be rusted by rain or broken by fallen trees. - William Penn
34. Our friendship with each other will work together to safeguard our reputation. -Benavente
35. Know all over the world, and know how many people can be. ——Ming Feng Menglong
36. Knowing each other is in distress, but it is not good to be good. ——Don Li Bai
37. The lazy horse is far away, the stingy friend is far away. --Mongolia
38. Brothers may not be friends, but friends are often like brothers. —— Franklin
39. To meet friends, you must first be a friend. - Hubbard
40. To attract friends, one must have good character. --Europe
41. Friendship! You are the mysterious glue of the soul; you are the sweetener of life, the social connector! ——Ro Blair
42. Friendship! How many people in the world say this word refers to the pleasant conversation after drinking tea and the tolerance for each other's weaknesses! But what does this have to do with friendship? --Fadeyev
43. Friendship is like a bottle of wine. The longer it is sealed, the higher the value; and once it is unsealed, it is enough for a drunkard to drink too much...——Liang Xiaosheng
44. Friendship, the mysterious union of hearts! The beautifier of life, the consolidator of society! ——Robert Brahe
45. Friendship, a noble and beautiful friendship based on mutual respect, deep sympathy, never malicious envy of others' achievements, and cultivate a sense of collective interest above all else. --Ostrovsky
46. ​​The singing of friendship, activity, and youth will alleviate our pain. --Kon Tskevich
47. Friendship itself is a sacred bond, and suffering makes it more sacred. ——John Dryden
48. Friendship can not only make life go out of the stormy feelings and move towards the sunny sky but also make people get rid of dark and chaotic fantasies and enter bright and rational thinking. ——Bacon (UK)
49. Friendship cannot be a transaction; on the contrary. It requires the most thorough notion of harmlessness. -Moro
50. Friendship should not be severed hastily, and the crux of the restoration will remain.
51. Friendship is nothing else, but a kind of harmony that connects all divine and common things in the world with kindness and love. -Cicero
52. The essence of friendship is to forgive others for their small mistakes. ——David Storey
53. The foundation of friendship is the greatest similarity between the hearts and souls of two people. -Beethoven
54. One of the main effects of friendship is to let the resentment and depression in people's hearts relax. These extraordinary atmospheres can be caused by all kinds of emotions. -Bacon
55. One of the main effects of friendship is to vent and relax the anger and depression in people's hearts. ... To a true friend, you can convey your sadness, joy, fear, hope, doubts, remonstrances, and anything that is pressing on you. ――Bacon
56. The greatest effort of friendship is not to show a friend our flaws, but to make him see his own flaws. --La ​​Roshvko
57. The difference between friendship and love is: friendship means two people and the world, while love means two people are the world. In friendship one plus one equals two; in love one plus one equals one. -Tagore
58. Friendship is the same as the fragrance of flowers. It is better to have a lighter fragrance. The lighter the fragrance, the more attached and lasting. ——Xi Murong
59. Friendship requires neither slaves nor rulers. Friendship likes equality. --Gonchargoff
60. Friendship requires neither slaves nor rulers. Friendship prefers equality. ——Goncharov (Russia)
61. Friendship is established in comrades, consolidated insincerity, developed in criticism, and ruined in flattery. -Lenin
62. Friendship is like a star, and love is just a candle. The candle is going to run out, but the stars shine forever. -Alexandre Dumas
63. Friendship is like pottery, broken can be repaired; love is like a mirror, once broken, it is difficult to reconcile. -Billings
64. Friendship will never endure long-term and frequent advice. ——Robert Lind
65. Friendship can increase happiness and ease pain; because it can multiply our joy and share our worries. ――Edison (United States)
66. Friendship can increase happiness and reduce pain-Edison
67. Friendship makes joy times the greatest help to us, not the actual help of friends, but our belief in getting their help. -Epicurus
68. Friendship multiplies joy and halves pain. ――Bacon (UK)
69. Friendship is the most beautiful flower that adorns youth.
70. Friendship is a wish for one's own kind of freedom and happiness, and the natural sympathy behavior is always in harmony, beyond lust, interest, competition, and accident. ――Alun
71. Friendship is an endless world, how broad it is! ——Ro Browning
72. Friendship is the tacit understanding of spirit, the communication of hearts, the combination of virtue. - William Penn
73. Friendship is the fusion of the spirit, the marriage of the soul, and the ties of morality. -Payne
74. Friendship is the wisest mother of generosity and honor, the sister of gratitude and kindness, and the mortal enemy of hatred and greed; it is always ready to sacrifice itself, and it is entirely voluntary without asking for others. -Boccaccio
75. Friendship is a selfless communication between two equals; love is a humble communication between a tyrant and a slave. —— Oliver Goldsmith
76. Friendship is when two hearts treat each other sincerely, not one heart beating against another. Lu Xun
77. Friendship is a union of souls. This union can be divorced. This is a tacit contract between two sensitive and upright people. -Voltaire
78. Friendship is a means of virtue, and it is a virtue in itself, a common virtue. -Feuerbach
79. Friendship is a school to cultivate human feelings. So we need friendship, not to use it to pass the time, but to cultivate virtue in others and in ourselves. ――Sukhomlinski
80. Friendship is the best school to cultivate people's feelings.
81. Friendship is the spice of life and the painkiller of life. -Emerson
82. Friendship is the most precious thing between heaven and earth, and deep friendship is the greatest comfort in life. ――Zou Taofen
83. Friendship is our absolute choice for a character. Their nature is the basis of our choice. Once we love him, we will always love him. -Bona
84. Friendship is the soothing agent of our grief, the reliever of passion, the vent of our stress, our refuge in disasters, the negotiator when we are hesitant, the refresher of our brains, we The emission of thoughts is also the torch and improvement of our contemplation. -Jeremy Taylor
85. Friendship is a union of hearts. --Voltaire
86. Friendship is a sacred and ancient name. ――Ovid
87. Friendship is a tree that can be shaded. -Coleridge
88. Friendship is harmonious equality. --Pythagoras
89. Friendship is a slow-growing plant. It will flourish only when it is grafted on branches that are familiar and love each other. -Chesterfield
90. Friendship is a kind of gentle and calm love, guided by reason, formed by habit, produced from long-term knowledge and mutual agreement, without envy or fear. ―― Home
91. Friendship is often formed by a common interest that is easier for two people to realize than one. This relationship is pure only when they are satisfied with each other. -Strindberg
92. Friendship is like marriage. Its maintenance depends on avoiding unforgivable things.
93. Friendship is as pure as the fog in the morning. Flattery does not lead to friendship. Friendship can only be consolidated by loyalty. ――Marx
94. Friendship needs-loyal to plant seeds, enthusiasm to irrigate, principles to cultivate, understanding to care. -German proverb
95. Friendship must be like love to warm people's hearts, and love must be like friendship to be unbreakable. -Moore
96. Friendship should be consolidated with the truth. --proverb
97. Friendship is also like a flower. If cultivated well, it can bloom in full bloom, but once willfulness or misfortune fundamentally destroys friendship, this flower in full bloom can immediately wither and wither. ――Dumas
98. Friendship should be immortal. ——Tit Levy
99. Friendship can never be a transaction; on the contrary, it requires the most thorough notion of harmlessness. -Moro
100. Friendship is always the assistant of virtue, not the assistant of evil. -Cicero
101. Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. -Gibran
102. Friendship has many names, but once youth and beauty intervene, friendship is called love and is deified as the most beautiful angel. ――Krisosl
103. Friendship is the same as love. You will be happy only if you live among friends who can get along with it naturally, without pretending and lying. ――Montoya
104. Friendship is reliable in other matters, but cannot be trusted in matters of love; therefore, lovers use their own words. Whoever is born, let him convey his feelings, don't ask others to do it; because beauty is a witch, under her magic, loyalty will be dissolved in passion. -Shakespeare
105. Friendship ceased to exist long before the flower of friendship withered. ――Gertrude Stein
106. Friendship is really the most sacred thing, not only worthy of special admiration but worthy of eternal praise. It is the wisest mother of generosity and honor, a sister of gratitude and kindness, a mortal enemy of hatred and greed; it is always ready to be a man, and it is entirely voluntary, without the need of others to ask. -Boccaccio
107. The light of friendship is like a phosphorous fire, which is most visible when the surroundings are dark. -Cromwell
108. The value of friendship to people's hearts is as much as their precious stones are to people's bodies in alchemy. -Bacon
109. The boat of friendship can't travel smoothly in the ocean of life. Sometimes it encounters dark clouds and storms. In this case, friendship should be tested by one kind or another. After these dark clouds and storms, the friendship will be more consolidated, and true friendship will radiate new light under any circumstances. ――Marx
110. Friendship can only be produced and maintained in practice. -Goethe
111. A little quarrel in friendship is as good as adding some pepper to the food.
112. Friendship always requires loyalty to sow seeds, enthusiasm to irrigate, principles to cultivate, and understanding to care. ——Marx
113. The most deadly disease of friendship is the gradual indifference or the increasing resentment. These resentments are either too small or too many to be eliminated. ――Sey Johnson
114. Those who are friends with integrity are increasing, and those who are friends with evil and soft are losing day by day. —— Xue Zhiqinggong Reading Record• Making Friends
115. Making friends in good times is a simple effort; finding friendship in times of distress is simply harder than going to heaven. ——Epictetus
116. Making friends with friends, believable. ——The Analects
117. May friendship have no other purpose other than seeking the deepening of the soul. -Gibran
118. Sincere and very rational friendship is the priceless treasure of life. Whether you can keep your promises to your friends and always be a person worthy of him is the best test of your soul, character, psychology, and even morality. ——Marx
119. Sincere friendship seems to be healthy, and you only know its value when you lose it. ——Golden
120. A true and sensible friendship is the most beautiful and priceless treasure in life. —— Gorky

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