100 short one sentence classic quotations...Must Read---

 100 Short one Sentence Classic Quotations

.1 The theory of ninety-nine times is not as practical as one action. To

2. The moment you have no excuses is the beginning of your success. To

3. Destiny can be changed. To

4. If you have confidence, perseverance, and courage, there is nothing impossible in the world. To

5. If you want to get it, you will get it, all you need to pay is action. To

6. People who understand things adapt themselves to the world, and those who do not understand things insist on adapting the world to themselves.

7. When hardships come, surpassing them will be more aftertaste. To

 8. The more you ask, the easier it will be for you to get what you want, and the more fun you will get. To

9. Transform an angry state of mind into softness, and transform a soft state of mind into love, so that this world will be more perfect. To

10. One hard work, one gain, pays back, and never encounters failure, because all I have encountered are temporary setbacks. To

11. Don't dig into sorrow when you are unhappy, think about the days when there is laughter. To

12. Don't take your ignorance as the ignorance of others! To

13. Tears do not mean someone's failure, smile does not mean someone's success. To

14. You have to value yourself before others can value you. To

15. Life requires patience and waiting. Suffering in waiting, getting what you want in waiting, accomplishing in waiting, joy in waiting! To

16. Keep your face facing the sun so that you don’t see the shadows. To

17. Never complain about what has happened to you, either change it or accept it quietly. To

18. People often laugh at others, but that is ignorant. While laughing at others, they also look down on you in their hearts. To

19. A victor will not give up, and a giver will never win. To

20. People always know to cherish only when they are lost! To

21. Keep in mind: Every day is the best day of the year. To

 22. Experience is extracted from pain. To

23. The heart is like a mirror. Although the exterior scenes are constantly changing, the mirror surface does not turn. This is a normal mind that can turn the scene without turning the heart. To

24. Everything must have a deadline, otherwise, most people will spend as much time as they have. To

25. People don't need too many things, as long as they live healthy and love sincerely, they can also be regarded as a kind of wealth. To

26. No matter how unfortunate you feel, there will always be someone more unfortunate than you. To

27. As long as there is confidence, people will never fail. To

28. There is no difference between a man who indulges in hope and a woodcutter who stands by. To

29. Although bamboo shoots are tender, they are not afraid of heavy pressure, they dare to struggle and take the lead. To

30. With less pre-determined expectations, the care for people will be more comfortable. To

31. The curtain of the stage of life may be opened at any time, the key is whether you are willing to perform or choose to avoid. To

32. Realizing dreams is more brilliant than sleeping in bed. To

33. Positive people always turn suffering into positive motivation. To

34. Passion and desire can break through all difficulties. To

35. Believe that you do it, you will have endless vitality. To

36. You must be your own king if you are determined to succeed. To

37. It rained yesterday, it was windy today, and the sun will come out tomorrow. To

38. People who are not angry are fools, and those who are not angry are truly wise. To

39. No matter how far the goal is, it cannot be supported without faith. To

40. If you are very smart, why not be rich? To

41. Showing off needs the audience, and showing off just makes us lose the audience. To

42. Every successful person has a beginning. Only if you have the courage to start can you find the way to success. To

43. Eat the suffering that others can't bear, endure the anger that others can't bear, and give more than others, only then will you enjoy more than others. To

 44. Standing on the shoulders of giants is to surpass them. To

45. When you feel sad and painful, it is best to learn something. Learning will make you invincible forever. To

46. ​​Spring water, the more tortuous the road of struggle, the purer the soul. To

47. If there is no gas to break through the earth and fight the wind and snow, the future of seeds is no better than that of fallen leaves. To

48. Don't let the boat of pursuit anchor in the harbour of fantasy, but raise the sail of struggle and sail to the sea of ​​real life. To

49. The sweat of the cultivator is the milk that nurtures the growth of seeds. To

50. If you don't cultivate or sow, no crops will grow in the rich and fertile soil. If you don't struggle and create, you won't be able to bear fruit. To

51. Keep corals away from the erosion of stormy waves? That is to bury their beauty. To

52. No matter how good the seed is, it will not bear fruit without sown. To

53. Dissatisfaction with oneself is one of the fundamental characteristics of any truly talented person. To

54. Hope is the source of life, and life will wither without it. To

55. Look at a person's mind, look at his eyes; look at a person's worth, look at his opponents; look at a person's cards, look at his friends. To

56. Don't care too much about your looks, because your ability will not be written on your face. To

57. Even if bamboo roots are buried underground and no one can see, they will definitely not stop exploring and strive for new shoots. To

58. Hope, only with diligence, can we be more powerful. To

59. Thousands of people fail because they fail to do things incompletely, and they often end up just one step away from success. To

60. Faith is an invincible blade. To

61. Climb to the highest realm, and you will suddenly find that the scenery there is something you are used to. To

62. Your spirit of experimentation in your studies is very valuable. To

63. When the struggling feet smashed their hotbed, they opened up a path of creation. To

64. Standing on the shoulders of giants is to surpass them. To

65. The meaning of vitality lies in hard work, because the world itself is an arena. To

66. You don't know the height of the sky if you don't climb the mountains, or the depth of the earth if you don't face the deep streams. To

67. God never complains about people's ignorance, but people complain about God's unfairness. To

68. There are only things you don't want to do, nothing you can't do. To

69. People who avoid reality will be even less ideal in the future. To

70. The higher the price you place, the greater your value will be realized. To

71. Never give up is the best character of a successful person. To

72. There are only unexpected things, nothing impossible. To

 73. Dreams are the catalyst to ignite the fire of life. To

74. To make things change, first change myself; to make things better, first make yourself better. To

75. Failure will make people stronger. To

76. There is no failure, only giving up. To

77. Everyone encounters various difficulties, frustrations and failures in their studies. Different mentality is the difference between successful people and ordinary people. To

78. Only struggle will produce results. To

79. Things often go against people, and things are always done by people. To

80. God's delay is not God's rejection. To

81. Anything that happens must have a purpose, and will always help your growth from a certain angle. To

82. What matters is not what happened, but what to do to improve it. To

83. The rudder to control fate is struggle. To

84. Don't have any illusions, don't give up a little opportunity, don't stop working hard for a day. To

85. Even if the road is rough and uneven, the wheels must move forward; even if the river is rough, the ship will sail. To

86. Only creation is real enjoyment, and only hard work is a fulfilling life. To

87. Those who dare to declare war on darkness must be filled with light. To

88. A lofty ideal is like a flower growing on a mountain. If you want to get it off, hard work can be the rope for climbing. To

89. Seed keeps in mind Raindrop's dedication instruction, and strengthens the sharp air. To

90. If there is no ups and downs in nature, the earth will not flourish. To

91. People who can only imagine but do not act will never experience the joy of harvesting fruits. To

92. Diligence is the code of your life and can translate a magnificent epic.

93. For climbers, it is not a pity to lose the footsteps of the past, but it is dangerous to lose the direction of the past. To

94. Strugglers sailed the career boat to the ideal shore in the river of sweat. To

95. The bees who are busy gathering have no time to talk in front of others. To

96. The horses run out, the strong soldiers come out. To

97. If I cannot, I must; if I must, I must be able. To

98. Only by savoring the pain can we cherish the happiness that was once ignored; only by appreciating the ordinary can we collect the happiness that was originally discarded. To

99. Everyone has many dreams in their life, but if one of them keeps disturbing you, the rest is just action. To

100. The path you choose, you must finish walking on your knees.

I hope all these positive and life changing quotes for the day will bring a new change in your life and work. Read one  Sentence or Quote before starting your day and I assure you that you will remain focused. Now that you’re done, please share it to your friends and others peoples who want to motivate....Please Came again.....THANKS


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