100 positive inspirational quotes Must Read | trusthimself

 100 positive inspirational quotes

. Dream is a naive word, and realizing a dream is a cruel word.
2. Only the reincarnation continues, the sun rises and the moon sinks, the grass and the wood wilt. Who said: Time is still, we are flying by.
3. People always cherish what they haven't got, and forget what they have.
4. As long as a person does not lose his direction, he will not lose himself.
5. Living a day is blessed and should be cherished. When I cry when I don't have shoes to wear, I find that someone does not have feet.
6. Let everything go with the flow, be calm when things happen, be indifferent when you are proud, be calm when you are frustrated, hardships and twists are inevitable, and experience the vicissitudes of life.
7. Life is a journey, there are uphills and downhills. I don't care if my end point is the top of the slope or the bottom of the valley, I only care about the beautiful and vibrant scenery along the road!
8. If you work harder than others, you will have more achievements; if you have more ambition than others, you will have more achievements; if you persevere more than others, you will win victory; if you are more persistent than others, you will Will work miracles.
9. Life is far less bitter than coffee, the key is how the people who drink it taste it! Everyone likes and yearns for life as they want, but everyone knows that doing it as they want is not life at all.
10. A particle of dust condenses in the air, and finally produces a majestic wind and rain; a particle of sandstone, polished in the clam, finally forms an expensive pearl. Sometimes a small start can lead to a magnificent and grand cause; sometimes an ordinary start can lead to a lofty and great life.
11. Many times, we do not fall on our own shortcomings, but on our own advantages, because the shortcomings often remind us, and the advantages often make us forget.
12. People always like to compare themselves with others, to see who is better than themselves and who is not as good as themselves. But in fact, the bottom line for your troubles and sorrows is never the misfortune and pain of others, but your own attitude.
13. Turn your face to the sun, there will be no shadows.
14. Thoughts are like a drill, you must concentrate on one point to drill down to have power.
15. Giving up is not the absolute of life.
16. People are most happy about things: parents are alive, confidant, lover who can't steal. Others are false, don't worry too much.
17. With less preset expectations, the care for people will be more comfortable.
18. No matter what your mood is, don't let yourself be decadent, be clean and decent from head to toe every day, be a delicate woman without makeup, smile at all times.
19. Footprints are the easiest to leave on the soft sand, but it is also the easiest to be wiped off by the tide.
20. It is the blood of warriors dripping on the climbing road, and it is also the tears that cowards flow when they are disappointed.
21. Believe in your goals, work hard, work hard, work hard!
22. The horses run out, and the strong soldiers come out.
23. The rudder to control fate is struggle. Don't have any illusions, don't give up a chance, don't stop working hard for a day.
24. You can go as far as you can see.
25. Change yourself, challenge yourself, from now on.
26. To change your destiny, first change yourself.
27. Today’s success is due to yesterday’s accumulation, and tomorrow’s success depends on today’s efforts. Success requires a process.
28. Destiny is in your own hands, and the good or bad destiny is created by yourself.
29. If we cast stones for a lifetime, even if we close our eyes, we will definitely hit once.
30. Life is like a big stage, everyone has their own role to play. As for what role to perform, decide for yourself.
31. Let us change our worries beforehand to thinking and planning beforehand!
32. No matter when you start, the important thing is not to stop after you start.
33. One today is better than two tomorrows.
34. Wearing the sole of the shoe does not mean the end of the road.
35. The spring water of the mountain stream has gone through twists and turns before singing a wonderful song.
36. Unless a person has confidence in himself, he will bring confidence to others.
37. Without clear goals, life will be mediocre.
38. Youth is the only time we have the right to weave our dreams.
39. I feel that I can and cannot do it, but in fact it is only between one thought.
40. If you want to be strong, you must not bypass the thorns in the way or avoid the erosion of wind and rain.
41. There is only one opportunity to make a difference in a person's life, and that is now.
42. The path through the clouds only kisses the footsteps of climbers.
43. I am proud of your performance today.
44. When a person is truly enlightened, he gives up the pursuit of wealth in the outer world, and begins to pursue the true wealth of his inner world.
45. Be kind to your hobbies, don't let them make way for learning, let them serve for learning.
46. ​​The slack strings can never play the strong notes of the times.
47. Face the past with the least regret, the present with the least waste, and the future with the most confidence.
48. Behind every hard work, there must be a double reward.
49. Don't let the boat of pursuit anchor in the harbour of fantasy, but raise the sail of struggle and sail to the sea of ​​real life.
50. Thoughts are like a drill, you must concentrate on one point to drill down to have power.
51. The most exquisite gemstones have been considered by craftsmen for the longest time. The most precious carving is hit hardest by chiseling.
52. The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory.
53. People who can overcome difficulties can turn difficulties into opportunities.
54. If you suffer, thank life, that is a feeling it gives you; if you suffer, thank God, it means you are still alive. People's disasters often become their learning.
55. Don't succumb to disasters, but face it more bravely.
56. There will be no great cause without great difficulties.
57. No matter how many times you fail, you must face life and be full of hope.
58. Having a vision is more important than having assets, having ability is more important than having knowledge, having talents is more important than having machines, and having health is more important than having money!
59. There is no desperate situation in the world, only people who are desperate.
60. Don't find reasons for failure, but find ways to succeed.
61. What determines today is not today, but yesterday's attitude toward life; what determines tomorrow is not tomorrow, but today's career. Our today is determined by the past, and our tomorrow is determined by today!
62. Taunt is a power, a negative power. Praise is also a force, but it is a positive force.
63. Training determines habit, habit determines character, character determines destiny.
64. No matter how steep the mountains are, there is always a way to climb for those who are not afraid of difficulties.
65. The tares enjoy the same treatment as seedlings, but they don't produce ears.
66. Pride is a fleeting kite with a broken lead.
67. Inferiority is a bird with its wings cut, and it is difficult to reach the blue sky. Both of these are taboos for success.
68. It was precisely because of being spoiled by others that the bonsai Xiumu shattered the dream of becoming a pillar.
69. If talent is compared to a sword, then diligence is the sharpening stone.
70. The past does not equal the future.
71. There is no failure, only a temporary stop of success.
72. The scholar fights out the stormy currents without sinking, and the coward will drown in the calm sea.
73. Climbers who aspire to the summit will not be intoxicated by a certain footprint along the way.
74. If you are afraid of the ups and downs in front of you, life will always be a pool of stagnant water.
75. Cowardly people can only stand back, reckless people can only be burned, and only those who really dare can be invincible.
76. Our world will never give a medal to a sad backward person.
77. The steps of the ladder are never used to rest their feet, they just let people put their feet on for a period of time so that the other foot can go up again.
78. If you haven't run a kilometer in normal times, it is difficult to make a 100-meter sprint.
79. You can't make progress without rapids, and you can't talk about climbing without mountains.
80. The mountain road twists and turns, but after all it stretches toward the top.
81. Only by climbing to the top of the mountain can you see the scenery over there.
82. The waves are for the sailing ship that cuts through the wind and the waves, and mourns the canoe that drifts with the current.
83. Mountain roads do not crawl under people's feet like smooth roads.
84. If you have never been afraid, embarrassed, or hurt, the good thing is that you have never taken a risk.
85. The cultivator believes in his sweat the most, and every drop bred a seed of hope.
86. Only people who are down to earth can say: The road is under my feet.
87. As long as the sweetness can be harvested, there will be busy bees in the bushes.
88. Enterprising use sweat to compose a song of struggle and hope.
89. Life can be sweet or bitter, but it cannot be tasteless. You can win or lose, but you cannot give in.
90. When you fall to the bottom, it means that you can only go up, not down!
91. No wise man can deny the exercise value of pain and sorrow.
92. The world will give way to those who have goals and vision.
93. After some tempering by the sea, the pebbles become more beautiful and smooth.
94. The river can reach its destination because it knows how to avoid obstacles.
95. Don't overwhelm everything, but you can't be overwhelmed by everything.
96. A person's success or failure has a lot to do with his mind.
97. Express yourself boldly, others have no reason to despise you.
98. Those who succeed will never give up, and those who give up will never succeed.
99. There is no sparkle of a pearl, it is applied by others.
100. If the hateful frustration makes you taste the bitter fruit, rising up will definitely make you taste the joy of life.

I hope all these positive and life changing quotes for the day will bring a new change in your life and work. Read one  Sentence or Quote before starting your day and I assure you that you will remain focused. Now that you’re done, please share it to your friends and others peoples who want to motivate....Please Came again...


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