100 classic positive energy quotes

 100 classic positive energy quotes

1. Fate is responsible for shuffling the cards, but it is ourselves who play the cards!
2. What you learn is exercise, what you can't learn is temper.
3. Living a day is blessed and should be cherished. When I was crying and I had no shoes to wear, I found someone without feet.
4. The fear in our hearts is always greater than the real danger.
5. Destiny is in your own hands. Either you control life, or life controls you, your mentality determines whether you are a mount or a rider.
6. I would rather regret that you have done it than regret it.
7. Don't punish yourself with the mistakes of the villain, don't torture and waste your precious time on these trivial things.
8. A fault is a temporary regret, and a miss is a permanent regret!
9. The environment will not change, the solution is to change yourself.
10. Courage is to control fear, not to have no fear in the heart.
11. Can be impulsive, which means you are still passionate about life, always impulsive, which means you still don’t understand life.
12. Life is a mirror. If you smile at it, it smiles at you; if you cry at it, it also cries at you.
13. Life is a circle. Some people have not walked out of the circle drawn by fate for a lifetime. In fact, every point on the circle has a soaring tangent.
14. Don't be obsessed with online games. If you want to play, just play the big game of life.
15. If we all do what we can do, we will surprise ourselves.
16. A way out, there is always a way out. Difficulty and suffering, being stuck at home is hard.
17. On the road to achieve ideals, all interference must be eliminated, especially those beautiful temptations.
18. Only those who are constantly looking for opportunities will seize opportunities in time.
19. What should give up is helpless, what should not be given up is incompetence, what should not be given up is ignorance, what should not be given up is persistence!
20. Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation and delay will continue to nourish fear.
21. If you see the people around you as the devil, you live in hell; if you see the people around you as angels, you live in heaven.
22. The reason why people are suffering is to pursue the wrong things.
23. If you can find your own shortcomings as accurately as you can see others' shortcomings, then your life will be extraordinary.
24. People cry throughout their lives, and laughter is learned later. So sadness is a low-level instinct, and happiness is a higher-level ability.
25. Two people share one pain and only half the pain, two people share one joy but two joys.
26. A glass of clean water becomes dirty due to a drop of sewage, but a glass of sewage will not become clear due to the presence of a drop of water.
27. Luck is chance that happens to hit your effort.
28. Obtain calmly, lose calmly, let the flow go, and fight for the inevitable.
29. If you treat every day in your life like the last day in your life, your life will be more exciting.
30. Those who live yesterday lose the past, those who live tomorrow lose the future, and those who live today have the past and the future.
31. To endure the pain that others can't bear, and to eat the bitterness that others can't bear, is to reap what you can't get.
32. It is not so much that others make you painful, it is better to say that you are not well-trained.
33. If you don't worry about yourself, others will never be able to worry about you. All the troubles are made by yourself.
34. Take care of yourself and don't care about others.
35. You insist on taking simple things seriously, and you will be very painful.
36. It is not difficult to make a decision. The difficult thing is to put it into action and stick to it.
37. Most people tend to beat their chests at the lost opportunities, but turn a blind eye to the immediate opportunities.
38. Time is a master of healing trauma, but it is by no means a master of problem solving.
39. God rewards hard work. Maybe you will not get rewards for what you pay, but you will not get rewards for not paying.
40. Adversity is an inevitable process of growth. People who can accept adversity bravely will grow stronger day by day.
41. No matter how great you feel you are, there will always be someone stronger than you; no matter how unfortunate you feel about yourself, there will always be someone more unfortunate than you.
42. To bear the pain of the past, mixed with the troubles of reality, this is of no benefit to the human mind.
43. Persistence is the most difficult, but the results are the greatest.
44. Only when you learn to zero your existing achievements can you make room to accept more new things, so that you can constantly surpass yourself.
45. Life is a one-way line without a return journey, and God will not give you a return ticket.
46. ​​A lazy teenager will be a scruffy old man in the future.
47. Difficulty is a stubborn stone, for the weak it is a stumbling block, for the strong it is a stepping stone.
48. Laughing to life can penetrate the fog; smiling to life can persevere to the end; smiling to life can resolve crisis; smiling to life can illuminate the darkness.
49. The greatest sorrow in life is not to lose too much, but to care too much. This is also an important reason for a person's unhappiness.
50. We are always too polite to strangers and too harsh to close ones.
51. A person's life is like an article, which can only be continuously improved after many careful revisions. Excerpt from: Reading Quotes
52. Although we cannot change our lives, we can change our outlook on life. Although we cannot change the environment, we can change our mood.
53. If you still think that you are still young and you can pass the years, you will end up doing nothing and sigh when you grow old.
54. When you are happy, you have to think, this happiness is not eternal. When you are in pain, you have to think, this pain is not eternal.
55. Destiny is like one's own palm prints, although twists and turns, it is always in your own hands.
56. Don't waste your life, where you will regret it.
57. Passion, this is the wind full of sails. Wind sometimes breaks the sails; but without wind, sailboats cannot sail.
58. Give up anyone, don't give up yourself!
59. When the mind is changed, all thoughts are changed; when the mind is connected, all directions are connected.
60. The ignorant blames the sky and the others, the incompetent sighs, and the weak Confucian gives up.
61. The wise man uses the supreme mind and hands to open up his own unique sky and build the stage of life.
62. Most people want to change the world, but few people want to change themselves.
63. Life is a journey. What you care about is not the destination, but the scenery along the way and the mood of seeing the scenery.
64. Dripping water through rocks is not by force, but because of reluctance to give up day and night.
65. People can live happily, but we have chosen complexity and sigh!
66. No matter when it starts, the important thing is not to stop after it starts; no matter when it ends, it is important not to regret it after the end.
67. Have the best hope, and prepare for the worst for the best.
68. The biggest mistake in life is constantly worrying about making mistakes.
69. Being jealous of others will not add any benefit to yourself, and being jealous of others will not reduce others' achievements.
70. Success never goes with the flow, success is forced out.
71. You can't control the weather, but you can change your mood. You cannot change your appearance, but you can control yourself. You can't foresee tomorrow, but you can cherish today.
72. Try to build a solid foundation with bricks taken by others, and life will not be so hard.
73. Action does not necessarily bring happiness, and no action means no happiness.
74. If we have happy thoughts, we will be happy; if we have miserable thoughts, we will be miserable.
75. People who believe in their abilities can do anything.
76. The secret to getting things done is action. The road to success is to act after organized thinking! action! action!
77. If you succeed, you will laugh for a lifetime. If you fail, you will laugh for a lifetime.
78. The long road can be walked step by step, and the short road can not be reached without stepping away.
79. The more distraction to pay attention to others, the less distraction to reflect on yourself.
80. Life is like a clock, you can go back to the beginning, but it is not yesterday!
81. Break through psychological barriers to surpass yourself.
82. Time does not look back, now is the most important.
83. Life is like a game of chess, one mistake, all losses.
84. When necessary, we need to make a turn and turn, because it is too strong and easy to break. We need more softness to overcome setbacks.
85. People who think they have wealth are actually owned by wealth.
86. Life is like a zoo. When you think you are watching someone play a monkey, you don't know that you are also a member of the monkey!
87. You can have nothing, but you can never be nothing.
88. Being beautiful is an advantage, and living beautiful is an ability.
89. Facing difficulties, pessimists often only see the negative side of things.
90. Don't exchange your health for money just because you are still young. When you are old, you will understand that money cannot be exchanged for health.
91. You should not always be dissatisfied with others, you should always review yourself.
92. Everyone has potential energy, but it is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and consumed by inertia.
93. Positive people see an opportunity in every trouble, while negative people see some trouble in every opportunity.
94. Those who create opportunities are brave, and those who wait for opportunities are fools.
95. The name of the bystander will never climb on the scoreboard of the game.
96. Looking for hope from despair, life will eventually be brilliant.
97. Time is a thief. He came silently and suffered heavy losses after he left, and so did his chances.
98. The key to success is to believe that you have the ability to succeed.
99. Human shortcomings are like weeds in the garden. If they are not cleaned up in time, they will soon occupy the entire garden.
100. The same bottle, why do you want to contain poison? The same mentality, why should you be full of troubles?

I hope all these positive and life-changing quotes for the day will bring a new change in your life and work. Read one  Sentence or Quote before starting your day and I assure you that you will remain focused. Now that you’re done, please share it with your friends and other peoples who want to motivate...Please Came again..


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